San Jose PRP Doctor, Dr. Sara Zaré, ND, believes that balance and harmony between conventional and naturopathic medicines is the best way to approach a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Tailoring her natural remedies to suit her client’s individual needs, she works to empower and heal her patience, imbuing them with knowledge and the security of having a doctor who knows that health is not a one-size-fits-all system. San Jose PRP Doctor, Sara Zaré, ND of Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group specializes in the use of (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma and has advanced knowledge in the field of Cosmetic Regenerative Medicine.

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    2087 Union St. Ste. #1
    San Francisco, CA 94123
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Dr. Zaré has decades of experience treating patients with regenerative therapies

San Jose Regenerative Medicine Services

Dr. Zaré provides a variety of anti aging services for both female and male patients

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Call Dr. Zaré now to find out if Platelet Rich Plasma Therapies can help you

Sara Zaré, ND – San Jose PRP Doctor

San Jose PRP Doctor, Sara Zaré, ND of Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group specializes in the use of (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma and has advanced knowledge in the field of Cosmetic Regenerative Medicine. Platelet Rich Plasma is a revolutionary therapy that has been used for several decades in the treatment of pain, soft tissue injuries, and osteoarthritis. However, now more than ever before the benefits of this advanced therapy are being applied to several other conditions. With the power to reverse damage to the tissues and regenerate new, healthy cells and flesh, PRP therapy has changed the lives of countless men and women.

Dr. Sara Zaré, ND, FACOG is a highly-respected board-certified OB-GYN specializing in both clinical and cosmetic gynecological procedures, and anti-aging treatments for both sexes. She completed her medical training at Stanford University School of Medicine, is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and she currently serves on the Board Quality Committee at St. Louise Regional Hospital.

Dr. Zaré is committed to staying on the forefront of modern gynecological and cosmetic procedures to provide the best possible techniques for her patients in the San Jose Bay area. Dr. Zaré offers a staggering array of advanced medical and cosmetic treatments, most of which Dr. Zaré performs herself. With over 25 years of experience providing clinical care for her patients in Santa Clara County Dr. Zaré specializes in PRP for both men and women.

PRP Services at Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group

Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group is a leading medical practice offering cutting-edge cosmetic procedures and women’s healthcare services for patients in the Bay area. The Gilroy, California office specializes in women’s health and gynecology, along with regenerative and rejuvenating procedures for both men and women. Patients enjoy the modern, comfortable atmosphere of a luxury med spa while benefiting from the skill and knowledge of a highly trained medical team.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma and How Does it Work?

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, is a substance that can promote healing when injected. Plasma is a component of your blood that contains special “factors,” or proteins, that help your blood to clot. It also contains proteins that support cell growth.

By injecting PRP into damaged tissues it will stimulate your body to grow new, healthy cells and promote healing. Because the tissue growth factors are more concentrated in the prepared growth injections, the body’s tissues will heal faster.

In prp or platelet rich plasma procedure, Sara Zaré, ND will aspirate tissue to harvest some of your stem cells. Because your own cells are used, the procedure is considered to be “autologous point-of-care.” Platelet-rich plasma is obtained from your own blood.

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment Explained

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is a virtually painless and non-invasive procedure that uses factors from the patients’ blood and fat tissues. A small amount of blood is taken from the patient and spun down to obtain platelets and growth factors. Some physicians may also extract stem cells from the patient’s body fat and combine it with the PRP. After obtaining the needed components, the PRP mixture is injected into the area being treated to regenerate and heal tissues. The growth factors and platelets from the blood stimulate collagen production, while stem cells take on the form and function of the cells residing in the area that they are placed in, leading to regeneration.

In most cases, patients see results the same day that they have the treatment, but over the course of the next few weeks after treatment, the PRP really works to repair, rebuild, and restore the patient’s tissues. For this reason, full results are usually often seen a few weeks after having the procedure. Many patients have been able to improve pain, injuries, and aesthetic issues with Platelet Rich Plasma therapy.

Some of the conditions that Platelet Rich Plasma can be used to treat include:

San Jose PRP Facelift Specialist, Sara Zaré, ND, now offers the PRP Facelift and PRP Facial Injections, the latest breakthrough in facial rejuvenation. The PRP Facelift is a groundbreaking anti-aging treatment that can dramatically reverse years of skin damage in just one session. The use of this treatment has been on the market since 2009 but it has recently been gaining in popularity as a skin rejuvenation treatment for the face that is nonsurgical with little recovery down time. The before and after results speak for themselves and many aging adults are turning to this type of treatment as a non-invasive way of improving skin tightness, volume and appearance.
San Jose Platelet Rich Plasma Female Rejuvenation Specialist, Sara Zaré, ND, now offers the newest and most breakthrough treatment for sexual enhancement or dysfunction for women. The PRP Vaginal Orgasm Enhancement Shot for Women, using (PRP) Platelet Rich Plasma therapy has been found to be successful in enhancing female orgasm, increasing responsiveness and increasing overall sexual enjoyment for women.
San Jose PRP Erectile Dysfunction and Male Sexual Health Specialist, Sara Zaré, ND uses (prp) platelet-rich plasma to help men improve sexual function, sensation, arousal, size and performance. When the platelet rich plasma is injected into the penis and pelvic area, platelets and growth factors go to work restoring tissue and increasing sensitivity. In addition to solving many underlying medical conditions, platelet rich plasma injections can noticeably increase the size and girth of the penis by increasing blood flow.
A Platelet Rich Plasma breast lift is a safe, non-invasive, and natural procedure that has helped many women to regain their confidence and feel better about how they look. Physicians that specialize in Platelet Rich Plasma therapy tailor protocols to suit individual desires and aesthetic wishes. They can help patients to determine if this therapy is right for them and guide patients through every step of the procedure. As a result of undergoing the Platelet Rich Plasma breast lift, many women have been able to achieve their desired results and feel happier with their appearances.

To learn more about how this very exciting and highly-effective new procedure might benefit you, call San Jose PRP Doctor, Sara Zaré, ND of Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group to schedule a confidential, no-obligation consultation.